
Sunday, September 30, 2012

"The sinister side of love stories"

This is an excellent reflection!  College sophomore Makena Clawson articulates why women's proclivity to emotionally use men is wrong, why it's selfish, and why it trains us to be unsatisfied.  

So you saw him, his dreamy eyes and gorgeous hair and knew that he was preparing a date for his girl. How did you feel? Bitter that some woman out there had her prince while you are still waiting? Or did you dream that you would come home and he would prepare the date for you, the first of many in your happily ever after?
Wait, did you even know his name? Realize that he has a story all his own? Take a second to think that he is infinitely loved by his Creator? Well … no. Instead the fantasy revolved around you. How he could please you, make you feel loved and wanted.
Is this any different from the way pornography works?

Be sure to read it all here. I hope Makena keeps writing. She certainly has a gift for challenging all of us to love more.

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