
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

More from birthornot ...

Well, it seems that Alicia, the mother of "Baby Wiggles" on the Birthornot website may not fully agree with her husband's pro-life leanings. If the following statement isn't the epitome of today's idea of freedom as all about me -- my decision, my body, my happiness and my desires -- then I don't know what is.

"Many people have talked about my husband’s conservative/libertarian leanings and have made much of his pro-life and conservative posts on other websites. But when it comes to abortion I am the one that wears the pants in the decision because in the end it would be me going through the procedure. Even though my husband’s opinion and beliefs matter to me, I, as the one carrying the baby have the final say about my body and our unborn child. My fears, anxiety and worries about this pregnancy have been completely discounted in favor of discussing my husband’s opinions about unrelated topics like cars and global warming. Abortion is a serious issue and my opinion and position shouldn’t be ignored. Your comments have helped to ease my fears and although I am still cautious about allowing myself to become attached, I am feeling more optimistic about moving forward."

You can read the entire post here.

It's unfortunate that our modern conception of freedom leads to no voice from the baby or the husband/boyfriend. When I wrote for Pregnancy Center East's chastity blog, I posted this overview of men's legal say in abortion.

Until we see freedom as a gift from God that exists for the sake of love, the bigger and stronger person will always "win" by exercising their "freedom" over and against the smaller, weaker parties.

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