Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dominican sisters on Oprah

"Marriage comes and goes, but divorce is forever"

"You don't have to be divorced to be sucked in by the new HuffPost Divorce
Section on The Huffington Post; you just have to have thought about getting
one. Which basically includes every married person on the planet."
Monday, November 29, 2010
Many faces of giving
The Enquirer article highlights his philanthropy, but Roger's acceptance and trust in the face of losing a large portion of his wealth is an example to all of us. Do we handle our finances as a gift from God? Are we stewards of all that God has given of us? Are we so generous in our giving that we can simply surrender when things don't go as planned?
Worth the wait
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Unborn life threatened by the selfisheness of adults
The Holy Father has also requested worldwide vigils for "nascent life." For the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, see this flyer for information about this Thursday's vigil.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Jason Evert on YouTube
Thursday, November 25, 2010
TOB and Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
More from birthornot ...
"Many people have talked about my husband’s conservative/libertarian leanings and have made much of his pro-life and conservative posts on other websites. But when it comes to abortion I am the one that wears the pants in the decision because in the end it would be me going through the procedure. Even though my husband’s opinion and beliefs matter to me, I, as the one carrying the baby have the final say about my body and our unborn child. My fears, anxiety and worries about this pregnancy have been completely discounted in favor of discussing my husband’s opinions about unrelated topics like cars and global warming. Abortion is a serious issue and my opinion and position shouldn’t be ignored. Your comments have helped to ease my fears and although I am still cautious about allowing myself to become attached, I am feeling more optimistic about moving forward."
You can read the entire post here.
It's unfortunate that our modern conception of freedom leads to no voice from the baby or the husband/boyfriend. When I wrote for Pregnancy Center East's chastity blog, I posted this overview of men's legal say in abortion.
Until we see freedom as a gift from God that exists for the sake of love, the bigger and stronger person will always "win" by exercising their "freedom" over and against the smaller, weaker parties.
Birthornot website update
But how could anyone think a website reducing a child's life to an online vote is really pro-life? True, it shows the irony of the weight of our vote in an election, but the concept was so disturbing and so insulting to their child. If they are really pregnant, I can't imagine telling "Baby Wiggles" someday that he was the center of an online controversy. Research has shown that the love children need must begin in the womb. Have the Arnolds treated their unborn child with the love and care he needs, or has their publicity stunt led to using him as a pawn in a worldwide debate?
Fortunately the nature of the site has been exposed.
Quote book

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Jedidiah Joseph -- the witness of a young life
After learning of Jedidiah's probable diagnosis, his mother Elizabeth wrote:
"one other thing that we would miss out on is that we wouldn't have this priceless chance to show just how unconditional our love is for our children. that no matter what- we will accept them and love them. they may not be perfect, and life may be uncertain at times and may cause us stress, but we will love them through the imperfection and the stress- because there is just not another alternative in this family.Visit the blog and allow yourself to be touched by Jedidiah's brief life and by the courage of his family. Listen to the funeral homily, which unfolds the meaning of suffering. And please say a prayer for his family, who his mourning his life.
the bottom line is this. God is the author of life. i am not going to presume to be his editor. i don't follow him with a red pen slashing through things i think shouldn't be there. every word he pens into existence is worthy of it's spot on the page. we can try to put human reasons to another's existence, but God's reasonings are so beyond the scope of our tiny brains and we cannot hope to understand them fully, at least not here and not now."
Monday, November 22, 2010
Did Pope Benedict really change Church teaching on condoms?

IHM TOB retreat
On Sunday morning, the winners of the pancake decorating contest shared a "TOB Garden of Eden" design, complete with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the serpent and one of the four rivers in the garden.
The retreat was a wonderful event, giving 50 teens the opportunity to learn about God's incredible plan for their lives. Thank you to all who prayed for the event. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they bring their experiences to their family and friends.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Yes, I'm suggesting you watch Oprah

Set your DVRs to record Oprah on Tuesday, November 23. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor are back for a second appearance on the program. Not only does this indicate that their first show, which aired in February 2010, was well-received, but it is also impressive, considering the television program will air its last episode in May 2011 and guests are scrambling to book appearances before it's too late. In this case, the Sisters didn't call Oprah; she called them.
You can read more from the Sisters on their website.
Last time the Dominican Sisters shared the Gospel on Oprah, I shared my reflections in an article on Catholic Exchange. As a Theology of the Body educator, I found the Sisters' articulation of TOB throughout their interview to be outstanding. Let's pray for more hearts to be touched by their Tuesday appearance.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Quote book
"To a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women." -- Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Friday, November 19, 2010
O Come, Let Us Adore Him

Like 1970 for marriage

Thursday, November 18, 2010
What if your life was decided by an online poll?
While many are hoping the site is a sick joke, the couple maintains that they truly want the public to have a vote that makes a difference in the world.
How in the world can a child's life be reduced to an online poll, a click of the mouse, an anonymous decision by someone who will forget about the child the moment the screen closes? And how in the world can the parents post their ultrasound videos and pictures every couple of weeks, naming their baby "Wiggles" and yet be so cold and calculating as to value their baby as nothing more than fodder for an Internet poll?
Prayer requests
Also, please pray for IHM youth group's Theology of the Body for Teens retreat this weekend. There are 51 high school students scheduled to attend.
John Paul didn't say the youth are our hope for no reason.
Raising the bar
Apparently, Lindsay is the author of a book about purity. Her journey to marrying Gareth is encouraging in a world where standards are constantly declining and those with strong views of chastity and marriage are told to be more realistic.
You can read the article from the Washington Post here.
Who says, "Boys will be boys"?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"What does heaven look like, Josiah?"

Quote book
I'm excited about a new documentary, "Eggsploitation," that takes a second look at the harm done by egg donation and the fertility industry. Check out the trailer and read more on their site.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
New president and vice president of the USCCB

The self-gift of suffering

Monday, November 15, 2010
Pro-life billboard in Ireland
Recently they launched a new billboard

Inappropriate Accordian
Friday, November 12, 2010
Quote book
"When the time comes as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I've often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God and a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, 'Spare him because he loved us,' and God will look at you and say not, 'Did you succeed?' but 'Did you try?'"
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Prayers to know God's will
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Novena for couples preparing for their wedding or anniversary
Romans 8:28

You've probably seen displays of thousands of crosses on church lawns, representing the number of babies killed by abortion every day. Many times, despite the magnitude of the display, the message receives little attention.
This morning I came across a video from Channel 12 about a man arrested for damaging the pro-life cross display at St. Cecilia in Oakley. While it's upsetting that many of the crosses were damaged (they think due to intoxication, not necessarily to animosity toward the message), it appears that Romans 8:28 came into play.
Romans 8:28 says, "We know that all things work for the good of those who love Christ Jesus." While the damage and disrespect done to the crosses is not good in any way, God was able to use this negative situation to bring light to the pro-life display on the news. Just think of how many more people have been exposed to the statement made by the little white crosses because of the news story.
Even when we feel discouraged or persecuted for our pro-life convictions, we have to remember that God is still guiding us and leading us into the Truth.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cincinnati Vocations -- new site

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati's brand new religious vocations website went "live" a few minutes ago. Check it out here.
I was thrilled to see the top post is about Jason Evert's talk last week and how it relates to the topic of priestly/religious vocations.
The new site is a great way to find answers to questions of discernment, the life of the priesthood, local resources, etc.
Remember to keep the local seminarians in your prayers.
Beauty tip #1

Beauty is a concept we try all our lives to define. We think we know it when we see it, but we don’t have the slightest idea how to describe it. Our world tells us it’s all about our clothing size, hair color, make-up and style. Then we hear those meant-to-comfort words, “You’re beautiful on the inside.” And while we know that’s meant to be a compliment, we shrug our shoulders and think, “But I want to be beautiful on the outside too.”
And then we find ourselves at the beginning of the cycle once again, attempting to define beauty and why it matters, and how to “get” it.
Since it’s a concept we spend our lives wrestling with, it’s my plan to have a regular blog post on “Beauty Tips.” While I can’t spend one post unveiling 101 “beauty secrets,” I can share a few thoughts to get us started.
To begin with, we have to ask what is the source of beauty? The more proper question would be: Who is the source of beauty?
God is all True, all Good and all Beautiful. He is the source, home and goal of beauty. All beauty comes from Him, and all beauty is meant to lead us to Him.
If God is all True, all Good and all Beautiful, and He made us in His image and likeness, then we are created to share in His goodness, truth and beauty. He made each and every unique, unrepeatable person to be beautiful.
Regardless of what Cosmo and Seventeen tell us the standard of beauty is, if we don’t see another person as beautiful, it’s not their lack of beauty, but our inability to perceive it.
Beauty isn’t something we get or achieve. Beauty is a gift. Beauty is God’s gift that He shares with us. The purpose of beauty isn’t to make me feel better, to get more attention or to hear a compliment. Beauty is a gift from God that allows us to be a witness to His love and beauty – to lead the world to God, the Source and home of true beauty.
Monday, November 8, 2010
What did you do to get to Mass yesterday?

While driving to Mass this morning, I heard the news on the Son Rise Morning Show about a group of Catholics who went to Mass yesterday morning. It seems rather insignificant to get up in the morning and head to church on a Sunday, yet the story prompted the question: What would you do?
What would you do if 120 people at your parish were held hostage at Mass last Sunday?
What would you do if you knew that going to Mass could result in your death?
What would you do if you spent last Sunday watching the beginning of the death of 51 parishioners and 2 priests the Sunday before?
Last Sunday, Catholics in Baghdad experienced the horror of watching fellow parishioners held hostage, with dozens killed. On All Souls' Day they marched in the funeral procession. And yesterday, many returned. They put their faith, their trust and their love of God before everything else.
The New York Times offered a glimpse of the courage and witness of the Catholics in Baghdad: “'This gives us more strength,'said Sama Wadie, 32, a teacher, his hand wrapped in a bandage. 'We’re not afraid of death because Jesus died for us. Of course we cry, but they’re tears of happiness, because we die for God.'”
At Sunday Mass this week, more than 150 people filed into Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad, walking past blood stains and bullet holes. Many who came were still bandaged from their injuries the week before.
In the United States yesterday morning, how many of us begrudgingly went to church? How many complained and sighed and rolled our eyes because of the required Sunday Mass?
We didn't have to walk by bullet holes, or avoid blood stains on the floor. We didn't have to pass through blockades in order to find the local parish. We didn't have to fear being shot because we were openly proclaiming our Catholic faith.
What will we allow the Baghdad Catholics' witness say to us? How will our own view of the gift of Mass be transformed because of the martyrdom of fellow Catholics half a world away? Will we begin to see that the gift of the Eucharist is even something to die for?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Romance without Regret

Thank you to all who made it possible for 478 people to hear Jason Evert's message of chastity last night at The Underground. It was tremendous to see so many young people pouring into the venue, beginning at 6:30 pm, and then watching how engaged they were by Jason's talk.
For those who wish to continue the spark that may have begun last night in hearing about God's beautiful plan for our lives, check out the opportunities we are planning in the future. Taking a Theology of the Body for Teens class and then delving into Kenosis: Teen Disciples for Love and Life are perfect ways to allow God to continue the great work He has begun in your heart.
*** Photo from Fr. Kyle Schnippel.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Demand your dignity
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Jason Evert is in Cincy!

"Purity is not about following a list of rules so that you'll avoid hell. It's about wanting heaven for the person you love." -- Jason Evert
"Jesus says to each man, 'Look at a crucifix. This is how I got my bride to heaven. How else do you think you will get yours there?" -- Jason Evert
Unshakeable hope
"Unshakeable Hope" is my blog as Theology of the Body Education Coordinator at Ruah Woods. It is written with the conviction that young people are called to great things, and with God's grace are capable of great things.
When I was standing in a field in Toronto in 2002, listening to John Paul II address thousands of us at World Youth Day, he spoke these words:
"You are young and the Pope is old, 82 or 83 is not the same as 22 or 23. But the Pope still fully identifies with your hopes and aspirations. Although I have lived through much darkness, under harsh totalitarian regimes, I have seen enough evidence to be unshakeably convinced that no difficulty, no fear is so great that it can completely suffocate the hope that springs eternal in the hearts of the young. You are our hope, the young are our hope.
Do not let that hope die! Stake your lives on it! We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures; we are the sum of the Father's love for us and our real capacity to become the image of his Son."