
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No more "him" and "her" at this preschool

Well, Sweden has a gender inclusive preschool that forbids using words like "him" and "her." Instead, you can refer to "hen," which is a blend of Swedish "him" and "her."

You can stroll over to the reading corner and pick up a book about two male giraffes, who adopt an alligator egg since they can't have children of their own.

And then you can meander into the toy kitchen -- right next to the Lego's, so you know the two play areas are not mutually exclusive. Rather than fight over who gets to be the mother, multiple mothers in the same family can be involved at one time. (Side note: If we can't say "him" and "her," then why can we say "mother"?)

It's all in the name of casting off gender in order to allow the children "to be who they are meant to be."

Please tell me it won't get any crazier.

Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. How about we start calling each other "it"? Make it so much easer. :-(
